Send treatment

The procedure for receiving and dealing with electronic requests

We ask you to carefully review the order receipt and review of electronic applications to the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of Donetsk. Official website of the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of Donetsk is a means to allow citizens' appeals to the Ministry.

  1. Applications sent in electronic form through the official website of the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of Donetsk, considered in accordance with Law of the People's Republic of Donetsk "On citizens» №I-65P-NA on February 20, 2015 and are subject to compulsory admission and registration on the day of their arrival.
  2. The applicant before placing electronic circulation takes the condition that the official website of the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of Donetsk:
  3. To obtain an electronic circulation applicant elects status:
    1. natural person;
    2. legal entity;
    3. Member of Parliament;
    4. Officials authorities DPR;
  1. The status is determined by people's deputy Law of the People's Republic of Donetsk "On the status of deputies of the Supreme Council of the People's Republic of Donetsk"
  2. The status is determined by a serviceman Law of the People's Republic of Donetsk "On the Status of Servicemen"
  3. Appeal considered within thirty calendar days from the date of registration, but those appeals, which do not require further study - without delay but not later than fifteen calendar days from the date of their receipt.
  4. In exceptional cases, the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of Donetsk has the right to extend the term of consideration of the appeal, then notify the extension of its consideration of a citizen, sent an appeal. The total term of solving the issues raised in the appeal, can not exceed forty-five days.
  5. Requirements for individual appeals:
    1. treatment set out in Russian or Ukrainian language;
    2. surname, first name, middle name or initials of the citizen;
    3. address of the place of residence (stay) citizen;
    4. statement of fact-treatment;
    5. e-mail address citizen;
    6. mailing address.
  1. Requirements for appeals of a legal entity:
    1. treatment set out in Russian or Ukrainian language;
    2. full name of the legal entity;
    3. location of the entity;
    4. statement of fact-treatment;
    5. surname, name, patronymic of the person authorized to sign the application;
    6. e-mail address of the legal entity.

Handling, decorated without complying with these requirements, returned to the citizen with the appropriate explanations, not later than ten days from the date of its receipt. It is not allowed to use obscene or abusive appeals words or expressions. By written request supplied by representatives of citizens, accompanied by documents confirming their authority. The application shall contain information on the results of the previous review the application (if available) of the documents confirming this information.

  1. The answer is sent to the applicant at his choice:
    1. in electronic form if they are given the surname, first name (last & nbsp; - & nbsp; if available) and e-mail address (e-mail) of the applicant;
    2. in writing, if they are given the surname, first name (last & nbsp; - & nbsp; if available) e-mail (e-mail) and the postal address of the applicant.
  1. Appeal is not admissible if:
    1. it contains obscene or offensive language, threats;
    2. Set incomplete or incorrect postal address;
    3. not indicated surname, first name, middle name (if any);
    4. appeal does not contain specific proposals, applications, complaints.
    5. resubmit the request if it has already been considered on its merits and it does not contain new facts relevant to the consideration of the appeal on the merits

I accept the electronic circulation of the Ministry of Communications DPR
